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Best Grass Seed for Coastal Areas

A1 Lawn's Coastal Grass Seed is ideally formulated for cultivating lawns in seaside regions. This blend includes specially selected cultivars known for their resilience to salty conditions, making it highly effective for areas frequently exposed to sea spray and saline winds.

Adapted for salt resistance
Rapid growth rate
Sourced from UK harvests
Certified by DEFRA, SASA, and FERA

Best Grass Seed for Coastal Areas
Best Grass Seed for Coastal Areas

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This grass seed blend is thoughtfully composed of 25% Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, 22% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Slender Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Sheep's/Hard Fescue, 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, and 3% Creeping Bent, offering a robust and versatile solution for a variety of lawn needs.

Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass (25%):

  • Rapid Establishment: Known for its quick germination, this grass provides fast ground coverage and a thick, green lawn.

  • Stress Tolerance: Tetraploid varieties have larger cells, which makes them more tolerant to stress, including drought and heavy foot traffic.

Strong Creeping Red Fescue (22%):

  • Shade Tolerance: This grass type thrives in shady conditions, making it ideal for areas under trees or buildings.

  • Drought Resistance: Its deep root system allows it to access moisture from deeper soil layers, enhancing its drought resilience.

Slender Creeping Red Fescue (20%):

  • Fine Texture: Offers a fine, dense turf that contributes to the lawn's aesthetic appeal.

  • Cold Tolerance: Performs well in cooler climates, maintaining its color and texture.

Sheep's/Hard Fescue (20%):

  • Low Maintenance: Requires minimal fertilization and mowing, making it an eco-friendly and easy-to-care-for option.

  • Environmental Adaptability: Thrives in poor soil conditions and is resistant to many diseases and pests.

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass (10%):

  • Moisture Retention: This species is excellent at retaining moisture, contributing to the lawn's overall health and drought resistance.

  • Wear Recovery: Known for its ability to recover quickly from wear, making it suitable for high-traffic areas.

Creeping Bent (3%):

  • Putting Green Quality: Often used in golf course greens for its fine texture and ability to be cut very short.

  • Rapid Growth: Fills in quickly, helping to establish a uniform lawn surface.

Benefits of the Blend:

  • This diverse mix ensures a lush, durable, and visually appealing lawn that can withstand various environmental stresses, from shade and drought to heavy use.

  • The inclusion of both fine and hardy grasses allows for a lawn that is both beautiful and functional, suitable for aesthetic and recreational purposes.

  • The blend's adaptability makes it suitable for a wide range of climates and soil types, ensuring a successful lawn in various conditions.

  • With low-maintenance varieties included, this blend is ideal for those seeking a sustainable and easy-to-care-for lawn solution.

Overall, this blend is designed for lawn enthusiasts looking for a comprehensive solution that combines aesthetics, durability, and ease of maintenance.

Grass Texture

Don't forget your Pre-Seed Fertiliser

  • Sowing rate (over-seeding): 25g/m2

  • Coverage for sowing new lawn: 5kg = 100 m2

  • Coverage for overseeding lawn: 5kg = 200 m2

SASA/FERA certified seed

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For an outstanding lawn, adhering to proper seeding practices is crucial.

Sowing a New Lawn:

  1. Loosen the soil to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters.

  2. Clear out all large stones and weeds.

  3. Enrich with topsoil to amend poor or uneven ground.

  4. Level the area with a rake for a smooth seedbed.

  5. Apply Pre-Seed Fertilizer at this stage for optimal results.

  6. After fertilization, allow a week's time before sowing seeds.

  7. Disperse seeds evenly, either by hand or using a mechanical spreader.

  8. Lightly rake over the seeds to ensure they're slightly covered by soil.

  9. Top with a fine layer of soil to aid seed germination and protect from birds.

  10. Press down the soil using your feet or a roller to firm the surface.

  11. Water the area thoroughly immediately after sowing and keep moist until the lawn is established.

  12. Avoid letting the soil dry out as it can impede seed germination.

Overseeding an Existing Lawn:

  1. For optimal results, apply Weed, Feed & Moss Killer before overseeding.

  2. Post-treatment, wait eight weeks before sowing new seeds.

  3. Use a rake to clear away dead vegetation and loosen the soil.

  4. Sow seeds at the advised rate, either manually or with a spreader.

  5. Ensure seeds are just beneath the soil surface by lightly raking over them.

  6. Cover with a thin soil layer to promote germination and keep away birds.

  7. Firm the soil by walking over it or using a roller.

  8. Water the area generously right after seeding and maintain moisture for successful growth.

  9. Consistent watering is key to preventing the newly seeded area from drying out, which could hinder lawn development.

Grass Texture

Best Seed Spreaders at Amazon

Rotary Spreader_edited.png

After planting your grass seeds, our aim is to help you cultivate a lush and vibrant lawn. Here's a concise care guide for the early stages of your lawn's development:

  • It typically takes 6 to 8 weeks for grass seeds to fully take root and grow.

  • Ensure consistent watering daily during this period, but pause if there's natural rainfall to prevent overwatering.

  • Maintain this watering routine until your lawn displays uniform growth.

  • When the grass height reaches 3 to 4 inches, it's time for the initial mowing. Adjust your mower to the highest setting and trim only the top inch.

  • Regular maintenance is key to a thriving lawn. We advise using Seasonal Fertilizers to sustain the lawn's health and vibrancy while preventing diseases and weeds.

Learn more at Amazon

Best Grass Seed for Coastal Areas

A1 Lawn Coastal Grass Seed

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