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Best Grass Seed for Winter Lawn Repair

A1 Lawn's Winter Repair Grass Seed stands out as an excellent choice for rejuvenating lawns during the colder seasons. This seed thrives in temperatures as low as 3°C, making it perfectly suited for winter growth. Its durability also makes it an ideal selection for family gardens that experience frequent use.

Resilient to heavy foot traffic
Capable of germinating in the chill of winter
Rapid growth rate
Sourced from recent UK harvests
Perfect for fixing bare spots

Best Grass Seed for Winter Lawn Repair
Best Grass Seed for Winter Lawn Repair

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This grass seed blend combines 70% Annual Ryegrass (varieties HELLEN and WESTERWOLD) with 30% Perennial Ryegrass (varieties BOKSER and ESQUIRE), creating a mix that leverages the strengths of both annual and perennial types for a versatile and robust lawn.

Annual Ryegrass (70% - HELLEN / WESTERWOLD):

  • Quick Establishment: Known for its rapid germination and growth, annual ryegrass provides almost immediate ground cover, making it ideal for quick lawn establishment or erosion control.

  • Versatility: These varieties are adaptable to a wide range of conditions and can serve as a temporary solution while slower-growing perennial species establish.

  • Seasonal Flexibility: Being annual, these grasses complete their lifecycle in one year, which can be advantageous for temporary landscaping projects or as a nurse crop for perennials.

Perennial Ryegrass (30% - BOKSER / ESQUIRE):

  • Longevity: Perennial ryegrass varieties like BOKSER and ESQUIRE are known for their longevity, creating a lasting lawn with a deep green color and fine texture.

  • Disease Resistance: These varieties are often selected for their resistance to common lawn diseases, contributing to a healthier and more resilient lawn.

  • Traffic Tolerance: Perennial ryegrass is durable and can withstand moderate to high foot traffic, making it suitable for both residential and commercial spaces.

Benefits of the Blend:

  • Immediate and Lasting Coverage: The blend of annual and perennial ryegrasses offers the best of both worlds - immediate coverage from the annual ryegrass and lasting durability from the perennial varieties.

  • Year-Round Appeal: This mix ensures that your lawn remains green and vibrant throughout the year, with the annual varieties providing quick cover and the perennial types taking over for long-term stability.

  • Adaptability: Combining these varieties enhances the blend's adaptability to various soil types, climates, and usage conditions, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of landscaping needs.

  • Ease of Maintenance: The inclusion of disease-resistant perennial varieties reduces the need for chemical treatments, while the fast-growing annuals reduce the need for overseeding.

Overall, this blend is designed for those seeking a quick-establishing, durable, and visually appealing lawn that meets both immediate and long-term landscaping goals.

Grass Texture

Don't forget your Pre-Seed Fertiliser

  • Sowing rate (over-seeding): 25g/m2

  • Coverage for sowing new lawn: 5kg = 100 m2

  • Coverage for overseeding lawn: 5kg = 200 m2

SASA/FERA certified seed

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For an optimal lawn, it's essential to follow proper seeding guidelines.

Planting a New Lawn:

  1. Turn the soil to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters.

  2. Handpick and remove any large debris and weeds.

  3. Enrich with topsoil if the existing soil is substandard or not level.

  4. Use a rake to smooth the area and create an even seedbed.

  5. We suggest applying our Pre-Seed Fertilizer at this stage.

  6. After fertilizing, wait a week before you begin seeding.

  7. Distribute the seeds evenly, either by hand or using a mechanical spreader.

  8. Gently rake the seeds to ensure they're covered lightly by soil.

  9. Add a fine layer of soil on top to aid in seed germination and to discourage birds.

  10. Firm up the soil by walking over it or using a lawn roller.

  11. Begin watering the area immediately and keep it moist until the lawn is fully grown.

  12. Allowing the area to dry can impede the growth of your new lawn.

Enhancing an Existing Lawn:

  1. For best results, apply Weed, Feed & Moss Killer.

  2. Post-application, wait eight weeks before reseeding.

  3. Clear away any dead grass, moss, and weeds by raking.

  4. Continue raking until the soil is loose and aerated.

  5. Reseed using the recommended seeding rate, either manually or with a spreader.

  6. Ensure the seeds are lightly covered by raking them just below the soil's surface.

  7. To facilitate germination and protect from birds, top with a thin layer of soil.

  8. Press down the soil by walking over it or using a roller.

  9. Water the area right away and maintain moisture to ensure successful establishment.

  10. Failing to keep the reseeded area moist can hinder the growth process.

Grass Texture

Best Seed Spreaders at Amazon

Rotary Spreader_edited.png

After you've sown your grass seeds, it's crucial to provide the right care to ensure your lawn reaches its full potential. Here's a streamlined guide for the weeks following seeding.

  • Your newly seeded lawn will typically take 6 to 8 weeks to fully establish.

  • Daily watering is key during this period, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

  • Should there be consistent rain, you may reduce the frequency of watering to avoid oversaturation.

  • Keep up with this routine until the grass coverage is uniform across your lawn.

  • When the grass height hits the 3-4 inch mark, it's ready for its initial trim. Set your mower to its highest setting to lightly trim the top inch.

  • Regular lawn maintenance is vital for its health. Seasonal Fertilizers are recommended to maintain a lush, green appearance and to prevent diseases and weeds.

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Best Grass Seed for Winter Lawn Repair

A1 Lawn Winter Repair Grass Seed

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